Teks pidato bahaya narkoba
God bless be upon you

Dear the head master

Dear the teacher also office equipments staffs

And visitor invited who has presented

And my beloved friends

            Lest we say thank goodness to Allah Swt,who has given all comfort,so that we can present all together in this place and today I will express my speech about drug. Thanks goodness and greeting we say to the prophet Muhammad Saw,and we get helping from him until the end of day

            In Indonesia the numbering of consumer drug so big,misusing of drug and other addition assence,of course to bring big impact,such us behavior change,disturb of  health,criminal and also hard action others.misusing of drug can prevent through the programs between social activity,there is no easy influenced by brought to consumen the drug.the consumer of drug are usully domination by young people and students about dangerous and impact of drug.through the concealing teacher, discuss involve students to plan prevet misusing of drug in the school

            Usually seller although consumer drug have already understood programs to consumer or seller in the school,they are of course to anticipate well.as smart as their way to way to save drug the proverbsaid “as clever as squirrel jumping the end it is also all”  for that lets we avoid also followed to fight and to war against drugs,because the drugs are very dangerous for ourselves and other people.

             That all my speech who can I deliver, if any mistakes,please forgive me,at your attention,thank you,Wass.Wr.GOODBYE.



Good morning every body,Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah the almighty God,now I can stand here in front of you all.at this moment we can meet in good condition.now I will tell you about “the importance of protecting the environment”

            Plants,people,animals and the environment are interdependence.plants need a good environment for growing, animals need plants to eat, and human need everything to survive.everything went as usual until the human.
Globalization may already be familiar to you,globalization can acceleratevthe rate of economy anywhere,technology developed over the years become a tool that can easily human works even to support it many new technologies are bron for example a computer,awareness of surrounding environment. A lot of environmental damage that we often hear,for example,global warming,acid rain, greenhouse effect,env ironmentalpullition and so on
The green house effect caused by exceessive carbon dioxide gas and causes global warming makes the earth hotter.the next phenomenon is acid rain,although it can prevent global warming but acid rain is more dangerous.humans are the main causes! Star from now let’s keep our environment for our grandchildren one day later.because no matter how samll work you do,will be felt by our children and grandchildren one day later.
This is enough from me.sorry if there was a mistake thank your attention


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Ladies and Gentelemen
            First of all i’d like to express my special thank to my english teacher, who has given me a few change to speech in front of you.

Well,my topic today isGLOBALIZATIONERA 

 Globalization is the people to do business somewhere, singapore people can make a new business in the others asia country.so we are the studens must know what is very important in it? Blobalizatoin emphahasize with personal skill,like iperational computer abilty and communicative english skill,if the students understood both of them they can make a net link the skill ability above
            On the others side we know the three sources of education ,there are three ways we can learn for our education:
a. the home,home education is very important because it lace the basis for our development. A student who comes from good family is usually good student at school.
b. the school,school educationis given by a formal institution and is,of course, limited by time and space furthermore,school education is usually highly professional and structured.
c. and the community,community aducation on gives us important things that wc may not learn at home or at school,succesfull people are usually those who are active in community education.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارً
It’s meaning.please prevent your self first,your family,your environment,and your humanity from severity the firebof hell.

Let’s we improve both of activity for preparing adecution in globalization  era.


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